Connect CircleCI with Vault using OIDC
Goal: Use OIDC to authenticate to Vault, retreiving secrets or tokens specific to project, leaving 0 secrets in CircleCI.
- Runnning Vault
- Running CCI Org
- Vault secret(s) to access exist in Vault
- Vault Policy with read permission for secret(s) (we will create a role)
Although vault is not ready, starting with how we want to consume the vault interaction from CircleCI is a useful way to set our direction.
Our recommended approach is use of Vault Agent to abstract API interactions. However you may map the same concepts to CLI/API calls.
- Create CircleCI contexts to generate unique OIDC tokens per environment
- Configure config.yml to read secrets from vault with token
- Workload runs as normal (push, deploy, etc)
Each context get’s a unique claim with that context_id. This allows us to distinquish Production from non-Production requests. We recommend 1 context per “environment” usually 2-4 per org. i.e. oidc-prod
and oidc-dev
We can look at Project_ID directly in the claims, so do not need to reflect that in multiple contexts across the org for each project.
Naming your production context withprod
in name does not itself restrict access, but allows us to useCircleCIs Config Policy
to limit which projects, branches, or conditions get access.
From our pipeline we will need to install the Vault CLI, and point it to our vault URL. We will then authenticate and pull and needed secrets. The relevant portion is highlighed and described below.
- Set
to your private vault URL (line 78) - Authenicate using configured bindings (below) and save the responding Vault
(line 79) - Read a secret path using the stored token (lines 80 & 82)
- Use
to convert JSON secret payload to exported Environment Variables (lines 81 & 83)
(this is optional and you may use alternate output from vault as it meets each use case)
Make sure to give each job the appropriate context!
We need a few key ingredients in Vault:
- A JWT auth endpoint configured to trust CircleCI tokens
- Policies that describe access based on project & environment
- JWT/Auth claims that alllow OIDC tokens to bind to the correct role
This step is real easy. Just add a JWT Auth Method (once per org/vault combo) that is supplied with CircleCIs OIDC dicovery URL, unique to each org. You only need to repeat if you have multiple orgs, or accesing multiple vault instances.
- Add JWT auth to Vault
should be your org like<ORG ID FROM ORG SETTINGS>
Access policies can be configured in UI or API. We’re using 2 policies for prod and nonprod. Unlike contexts, you may want these to be app specific, and we’ve indicated so in the name.
path "secret/*" {
capabilities = ["list"]
path "secret/data/cluster/appname-pipeline-prod" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/data/nexus/*" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/metadata/cluster/appname-pipeline-prod" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/metadata/nexus/*" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/*" {
capabilities = ["list"]
path "secret/data/cluster/appname-pipeline-dev" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/data/nexus/*" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/metadata/cluster/appname-pipeline-dev" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
path "secret/metadata/nexus/*" {
capabilities = ["list","read"]
How do we link an OIDC token to the policies above? You will need API or CLI access to create auth bindings like the following.
To keep example simple we’re only doing 2, 1 for prod * non-prod. But you can see how the project-id claim can be changed to create more!
Rather than creating a role valid to any project authenticating with OIDC, we can restrict the Vault JWT Role to assign policies based on various claims.
The token from CircleCI contains an evolving list of
that can be used to limit which contexts or pojects get access. This means specific projects can be limited to specific Vault secrets based on claims.
- Project ID
- Context ID (can repressent environment when paired with CPM)
You can use a tool like to see data in your
token and setbound_claims
vault write auth/jwt/role/boa-prod-deploy -<<EOF
"role_type": "jwt",
"user_claim": "sub",
"user_claim_json_pointer": "true",
"bound_claims": {
"": ["abcdef-1234567890"],
"" : "abcdef-1234567890"
"policies": ["appname-prod-deploy"],
"ttl": "10m"
NOTE: We use the same project ID, but an alternate Context ID to assign non-production credentials.
vault write auth/jwt/role/boa-dev-deploy -<<EOF
"role_type": "jwt",
"user_claim": "sub",
"user_claim_json_pointer": "true",
"bound_claims": {
"": ["uvwxyz-1234567890"],
"" : "abcdef-1234567890"
"policies": ["appname-dev-deploy"],
"ttl": "10m"
The `policies` above should match your existing access policy granting read rights to secrets needed.
The sequence diagram below shows how the flow should now look.
sequenceDiagram rect rgb(191, 223, 255) CircleCI Platform ->> CircleCI Job: start_job(OIDC_TOKEN)<br/>*dev context CircleCI Job->>+Vault: auth/jwt(OIDC_TOKEN) note right of Vault: Vault will consider which<br/>role to claim based<br/> on the job's context! Vault-->>CircleCI Job: <VAULT_TOKEN> CircleCI Job->>Vault: `vault read /secret/dev...` Vault-->>-CircleCI Job: <secret> CircleCI Job->>DevSystem: doStuff(secrets) CircleCI Job-xVault: `vault read /secret/prod...` note right of Vault: Only paths authorized <br/> by role are allowed Vault-->>CircleCI Job: 403 end rect rgb(230, 100, 100) CircleCI Platform ->> CircleCI Job: start_job(OIDC_TOKEN)<br/>*prod context CircleCI Job->>+Vault: auth/jwt(OIDC_TOKEN) Vault-->>CircleCI Job: <VAULT_TOKEN> CircleCI Job->>Vault: `vault read /secret/prod...` Vault-->>-CircleCI Job: <secret> CircleCI Job->>ProdSystem: doStuff(secrets) end