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convert JSON values to ENV VAR

This is a trick that @eddiewebb finds handy to converry Hashicorp CLI responses into local environment variables that can be used in subequent commands (docker login,etc)


  • an image with jq (all CCI images have it)
  • JSON respresenting values to convert to ENV VARs


We basically use jq as a rudimentary templating engine, converting existing k/v to shell format.


Sample Payload

        "pin": "0000"


export AGENT_USERNAME='agent_007'
export AGENT_PASSWORD='SuperSocks'
export AGENT_PIN='0000'

JQ Command

jq -r '.data | to_entries[] | "export AGENT_"+(.key | ascii_upcase)+"="+(.value | @sh)' >> $BASH_ENV
source $BASH_ENV # only if needed in this step, evrry future step will load for us

Try it Out

Screenshot of JQ playground converting json into shell variables