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Running your own CERA demo cluster

From in CERA monorepo

Running your own CERA

This doc assumes knowledge in stack architecture and technologies.


This runs in AWS. Manually (or have your IT team) create these resources.

  • DynamoDB Table for TF lock (see for name)
  • S3 Bucket for TF State (see for name)
  • Registed Domain pointing to an empty R53 zone.
  • a Seed IAM role you can login with rights to modify IAM (so you can create role and oidc)

THis uses a CCI Release Agent and Policy enforcement

  • Note your CCI Org ID (neeed later to for OIDC provider and vault policies )
  • Create a CCI Release Agent
  • Add Token to a NEW CONTEXT as TF_VAR_rt_token (more details in release agent module repo)


  1. Determine Root Zone ID for Domain.
  2. When creating a new domain in AWS R53, a zone is automatically created.
  3. If existing domain, set a R53 record with those DNS servers and grab zone_id
  4. Create initial seed Role and OIDC Provider (see global/templates/
  5. Import root dns from global module terraform import aws_route53_zone.demo_domain ZONEIDZXXXX
  6. Fill all values in global/terraform.tfvars

If changing region, or other advanced state changes that rename bucket

Rename bucket, dyanmo, or region in all 3 root modules, global,namer-eks,namer-platforms in both of 2 files and

Deploying Apps

TODO: See guide in dr-demo repo

Initial Import

You need to import the intial IAM role and OIDC provier - we need to clean this process up.